Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Party Report: The SOL Speakeasy!

Oh my gosh you guys.

This party?




Except for since it was a 1920s Speakeasy theme, we'll say...

"The cat's pajamas!"

Seriously, so fun. We laughed, we told stories, we sipped moonshine, we met friends old and new. We saw AMAZING dancers and officially welcomed the new campaign!  If you were there - you know how much fun we had - and you got to watch the "making of" video. 

But if you weren't there... you can watch it now - right here. 

Now, enjoy the rest of the party...

SOL models Tiffany and Adam Vartanyan greet guests and set the tone for Speakeasy fun!
Happy party goers with yellow bags and Tiffany.
The man behind all the beautiful women! Introducing Sedrique - he's the incredible makeup artist who has helped us with the past FOUR campaigns. A magician and a gentleman. Oh, and me! Channeling my inner flapper. I love gloves!
Checking out the video...a few minutes later...huge applause!
Okay, seriously? The dancers were nothing short of amazing. Such control, such rhythm...
such cool shoes....
See what I mean? How does she DO that???
Here's Tiffany with photographers extraordinaire Jody and Zack Zorn and our 
fabulous hair stylist Matthew Morris and his husband.
This might be my Christmas card. Our marketing guru, Janelle, my lovely sister and business partner Jeanie, the uber-talented and beautiful Tiffany, me and Sedrique.  I love my job. 

Lara, Janelle, me and Jordy. We might dress like this everyday.
And finally... my favorite picture of the night...

He bought it.
Thanks everyone! Here's to a great new year for SOL!
