Friday, August 5, 2011

NYC - the last hurrah...

I gotta be honest. I am pooped. But I had an amazing week here in the Big Apple with Jeanie and Jocelyn! We saw sooo many great things that I cannot wait to bring you guys in the Spring! Beautiful, sexy, luxurious perfect things.

And we also saw...
Cute girls in flirty skirts drinking beer. Just like home.
Maxi skirt with lace tank and gladiator sandals. Love.
Adorable, no? I love her little parasol. We girls try so hard.
And then, there's the guys. Who no matter what age, just throw on a golf shirt,
chinos and a baseball cap!
Unless, of course, they can't find their golf shirt.
Which, in this instance, is totally forgivable.

Jeanie and Jocelyn have returned home to their sweet families, but instead of jetting off to see mine, I've asked them to come meet me here! Team Johnson is taking the city by storm...and I must say Mr. Johnson is looking quite Soho. He's apparently been reading some Sartorialist himself, because in just 24 hours here, he's purchased mustard colored jeans, black leather Chuckie T's, and  even...wait for it...rolled his skinny jeans. Not bad for a boy from Boulder.

I gotta admit, Bella, Todd and I look pretty hip. We're celebrating by heading out to Harlem for some incredible jazz at Birdland.

Thanks to everyone for joining me on this trip! See you back home soon!
