Thursday, February 16, 2012

Beers, Brats & Bras = Good Times

Despite the cold, we had a fantastic turnout for our Beers, Brats and Bras event on Sunday!   It is always so fun to have the store full of men and we really appreciated the support for The Morgan Adams Foundation.   

I hope each of you had a love filled Valentine's Day!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Designer Highlight: AUBADE

"Women have power within, and Aubade wants to bring it out. 
Their images are seductive; never demeaning. 
Their intent is always to empower." 

Aubade, pronounced "oh-bod," has two lovely meanings; a morning song, or a poem of lovers separating at dawn.

Aubade's "So Vintage" set. So perfect.
Aubade has been making stunning lingerie for 103 years. The company's ideals and entire mission are founded on defining the Art of Love through lingerie. Along the way they have never forgotten fit, quality and purpose.

View Aubade's 2012 Spring and Summer collections here.

In their words, "Seduction meets fit meets function."

Aubade was the first company to design a matching set about thirty years ago. Before then, bras and panties were considered separates. Do you see now why I hold them so dear?

Eighteen years ago, Aubade started their Lessons in Seduction series. For Aubade, a photograph is not just a photograph. Each one has a sentiment. A personality. They recognize that women have power within and they want to help bring that power out into the open.

Their images are seductive, but never demeaning. "From the outset this campaign has revered the female body, in a gallery of spirited postures to be read every which way; as a sage, seductress, confessor, friend and lover. The Aubade woman is empowerd from within; she cherishes, tantalizes, bewitches, listens and stirs up trouble when necessary - as captured in the famous photos brimming with intent, saucy winks, double-entendre and playful puns."

Aubade has even translated their Lessons in Seduction from print to video that I think you're going to love as much as I do. Sit back and enjoy their playful Lessons in Seduction video. It will make you smile, inspire you...give you some great ideas...

Why do we SOL Girls love Aubade? Well. To start with, they have the most beautiful models on the planet. There is a magic behind an Aubade set. Women who wear it, love it. I feel incredibly sexy in Aubade. Just choosing it out of the drawer makes me tingle. There is simple power in it. The designers intentionally create a collection that gives something back women who wear it. And something extra special to the person who sees her wearing it.

Aubade's "French Kiss." Aptly named.

Valentine's Day is just around the corner - many of us will choose our favorite Aubade to put on that day. Not necessarily for anyone else, just because of how it makes us feel.


Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Inspiration in Italia

The Italian countryside.
Buon giorno! I've just returned from the final leg of our European vacation. Todd, Bella and I spent the last week in Italy.  
Gelato in Pisa! Yum!
While Paris is unsurpassed when it comes to lingerie I love, my heart lies in Italy! As soon as we landed in Pisa I felt a lightening of my spirit! 
Thank goodness Todd was there, it nearly fell over.
Did you know the original inspiration for the store came from my time spent in Italy the year before Todd and I married? 
Five years after our trip, as I was dreaming about the interior design for the store, I was brought back to the gardens with elaborate fountains, the warm ocher colors of the buildings, and the zest for life Italians have.
Love those colors. Love that face.
The store was modeled after an Italian garden. 
The fountain outside a train station. Beauty everywhere!
The floor at SOL was designed to look like a stone path leading you into a secret world. The fountain, pillars and foliage were to bring the garden inside.  
View of Firenze. Can't you just imagine all the lovely hidden secret places here?
I have been told over the years that coming into the store is pleasingly tranquil...and for some, it can be as special as spending time at a spa. That was my hope from the beginning!
Sunset from the Duomo of Florence Cathedral.
I wanted to bring a little bit of the magic of Italy into our everyday Denver lives. I am so happy to be coming back to my Denver life after feeling renewed and inspired by my adventures in Pisa and Florence.
Michelangelo's David in bronze.
I believe that Galileo, Botticelli and Michelangelo were men of sheer genius. I feel fortunate that in a time of technology I had a chance to look back at amazing discoveries of the heavens and the arts.  

A Virgo on Galileo's Star Calendar.
 Beauty is all around us. We just need to look for it.

The Johnson Familia