Thursday, July 11, 2013

We are starting to think "Hello" instead of "Bonjour" as we finish our last day here in Versailles, France. Holy cow did we have a blast! As I type I am over the ocean flying back to Colorado. We started our travel day at 6 a.m. in France, traveled by Eurostar to London and then hopped the pond. We should land in Denver about midnight, if all goes well. Would I do it all over again? You bet!!!!

Yesterday Todd and I had planned to go see Monet's lily gardens in Giverney but we were thwarted with car problems. No worries. We hung out in Versailles for a yummy Capri Pizza lunch followed by a lovely last visit to the gardens.

Boy did it look different the next day. We walked through all the gardens we had strolled through the night before (Todd found a glass or two left behind) but the castle was closed. We decided to camp out by the canal in the shade as I sorted through all of the great photos from the party.

Jeanie and Howard met us for our last dinner of traditional French steak and fritz at Bistro Bouchon off the main plaza. Great steak and dessert! We hustled home at midnight to get packed and ready to head back to the US.

I decided we should have some famous quotes from the trip....

Todd's Quote: "You need to have a lot of patience in France". I am a patient gal, but I try extra hard while we visit. Everything seems to take 3 times longer than in America. 

Jeanie's Quote: "It's an adventure, you have to love it!" It is and I do.

Howard Quote: "The French love their rules." It's true and sometimes the words "it is impossible" simply means you have to beg the Monoprix manager to let you enter the store 10 minutes before the store closes so that your wife can buy a hairdryer for the big party. When you call to ask what time they close, reconsider and say "what's the latest time they will let you shop". Two different things....

Cindy's Quote: "Thank the French for making such pretty lingerie." I love my collection of lovelies and my job!

We took a ton of photos for you so you can see everything we did. You can see them all in our album on Facebook.  If you have been recently to France and/or Belgium, or have never made the trip, I know you'll love seeing all our photos. Hard to believe we'll be back in Denver and this blog will be posted soon. This really has been a once in a lifetime experience and I'm so happy to have shared it with you.

