Friday, July 22, 2011

The most fun you'll have on a sidewalk.

It's Sidewalk Sale time again!  

Now, read that like Oprah is saying it... Sidewaaaaalk Saaaaaaaale! 

Me and my favorite things in the world...
beautiful sale bras making their way to the Sidewalk Sale!
We. Love. It.

Because we get to see so many of you - having so much fun! Digging through bins, finding treasures, unexpected surprises, running into friends doing exactly the same thing! It's crazy non-stop madness and we look forward to it all year long.

And it's right now, July 21st through Sunday, July 24.

Here's our favorite SOL SWS Survival Tips...learn them. Know them. Tell your friends.

#1 - Check out the website! Most of the things you'll find at the sale are posted there on our SALE page.

#2  - Don't pay for parking no matter how much you want to. Because every one of us is carrying around a pocket full of tokens for the meters and we LOVE to share them. Just ask.

#3 - If you'll need a fitting room, put your name on the list as soon as you get here. The wait times vary, but this way, you'll have a room when you're ready.

#4 - When it gets hot shopping at other CCN stores, come back and visit us. We'll have the misters running the whole time and we love it when you stop by to cool off.

#5 - "Like" SOL on Facebook for fun contests during the Sale, and win SOL Bucks!

#6 - Be thorough. Look in every box, on every table. Look under the tables! You're not going to believe how much stuff is here!

#7 - Come back!  The best selection is early in the sale...but the discounts get bigger as the sale goes on! Saturday is an additional 20% off the sale price and Sunday is...are you ready?  35% OFF the lowest sale price!  And since there's so much to see, you'll find something new every time. It just makes good sense to show up everyday.

We can't wait to see YOU this year! 
