Wednesday, November 10, 2010

OMG, we LOVE you guys!

This is seriously exciting and the best news EVER... 
we have extended the Customer Appreciation Sale! 

So now you can come in and ENJOY 20% OFF OF ANYTHING.

Why?  Well - we realized that one week was just not enough! Even though we have all our SOL girls in full force during the Customer Appreciation Sale, we still noticed that the very people we appreciate so much (that's YOU) were having to wait too long for fittings. Our whole purpose of this sale is to show you how much we love you, and nobody loves waiting.

So, now mosey on in anytime from now until the 20th, and the discount applies. To everything. And the crowds will be a little smaller so you can enjoy yourself even more. It's a great time to come in and pick out something great for the ladies in your life - or to send in your loved one to get you exactly what you want this year...because no-one really wants to unwrap a Crock-Pot. 

To make your shopping even more fun - don't forget our Sale Survival Tips!
Just don't! Because we do, sillies! Our kiosks have gone the way of the dodo bird, and you'll find "Smart Meters" in their place. And they need tokens....park the car, run in and get some from us! Every SOL girl's got a pocket o' tokens and we LOVE to share them!

We want you to get every bit of attention you deserve - afterall, this is YOUR sale - and you're the reason we're extending it to the 20th. The first thing you should do (after asking for parking tokens) is get your name on the list! Our super fab hostess will get your name and mobile phone number and give you a call the minute a fitting room is open. Wait times always vary - but the experienced SOL shopper knows weekday wait times are often lots shorter.

Because then, waiting is really visiting and a quick trip to CCN becomes Girls' Day Out!

This is the most important one...REMEMBER WE LOVE YOU.
We truly do appreciate each and every one of our loyal SOL customers. It's why we have this sale, it's why we get up in the morning. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.