Thursday, April 22, 2010

Save the planet. And look really good doing it.

Have you seen our super cool tote bags? They're not only good-lookin' and handy, they've got a secret past. They are each made from one of our store banners or billboards. We didn't want all those big beautiful pictures of our SOL girl, making her way across the state in her adorable SOL lingerie, ending up in a landfill, so we create fabulous bags from them. Westword magazine even gave us a "Best of" award for our efforts!

Today, to celebrate Earth Day, every purchase at SOL receives a free bag! It's a $27 value - and you're going to look great carrying it around town to do all your shopping. Plus, you'll know you're doing your part to make the earth a little greener - and a little more beautiful!

Just mention this blog, Facebook or Twitter posts about it, and you'll be rocking the recycled SOL billboard bag.

What? You're not a Facebook or Twitter follower yet? No better time than the present!

PS - It's still SOL vs. the Volcano for the green Daisy bra. We're keeping our fingers crossed that the skies over Europe clear and our pretty new Daisy's show up soon!