Monday, March 15, 2010

5 Days Left for 15% off Everything at SOL!

Our Back to Basics sale is going great and as always it is so fun to have our store full of customers excited to get a deal. Basic bras such as the Daisy Bra, Prima Donna Madison, L'Aventure Tom and others are flying out the door but if you haven't made it in yet; not to worry! We have plenty of stock on all our top selling t-shirt bras.

And don't think that stocking up on your basic bras means you need to only get nude, black or natural; think about getting one in a fun color! It is still versatile and wearable, especially in summer. We still have some stock on the Poison Daisy bra from fall, which has an additional markdown (PLUS the 15% off)!
One of the best parts of this sale is that the 15% off applies to Just Arrived bras as well. One of my absolute favorites this spring is the Mira by Marie Jo. It just arrived Friday and comes in both Mare (blue) and Limoncello (yellow). My personal favorite is the yellow (how often do you come across a fabulous yellow bra?) but both colors have been extremely popular. But keep in mind that you only have 5 days left to get all of these items, whether the latest spring fashions or your tried and true basics for 15% off!