Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Back to Basics

New Style in the Daisy Bra! A non-molded cup with the same
great daisy straps! Regular Price $110, with 15% off - $93.50

The foundation of your lingerie wardrobe should consist of 7 basic bras. That is, one bra for every day of the week. If you own your seven, they should last you one year (if you are caring for them properly!).

What makes a bra a “basic”. Well, that depends on the individual. A girl who wears a lot of white or close fitting knits may need more smooth, nude bras. Some gals prefer a molded cup because it provides more modesty. There are also some gals who consider their lacy bras to be their basics because their wardrobe is mostly dark or heavier fabrics. Your definition of a basic may change depending on the season… It may be determined by the job that you do… Regardless, you should build up to your 7 and replace them as they wear out!

Now is the perfect time to stock up and get “back to basics”. SOL’s Annual Winter Clearance Sale starts Saturday March 14th and runs through March 21st. All merchandise in the store is 15% off…the perfect time to add a few “basics” to your collection!