Thursday, October 20, 2011

Janelle's European Lingerie Tour - Day Three

The tour of Belgian culture continues and I truly am smitten. What a charming and lovely place, such the perfect mix of old and new.
Today, we were about an hour from Ghent and took a detour to Brugge. Brugge is a classic old world city that is actually a  World Heritage Site due to its street pattern - which originates back to  medieval times. (!) For an American, this is almost hard to fathom. Do we have any streets in Denver more than 100 years old? Imagine 1,000! 

The city’s architecture is nothing less than fantastic. The city was spared from any bombings during the World Wars, and thus its architecture is completely original. In fact, it has not been attacked since the middle ages.  Some of you may be familiar with it from Colin Farrell’s dark comedy a few years back called “En Brugge.”  Of course, no one was thrown off the top of the Bell Tower on our trip. Well. That I know of.

Can you see me poking my head out of a window up there, all Rupunzel-style?  Well, except I have short hair.
If you go to Belgium you simply MUST experience their famous chocolate, and chocolate and also...their chocolate! There are fifty-five chocolate shops in this small town alone!
Must. Eat. It. All.
Godiva is the most well known but alas, there is much more to the chocolate world than that. Here I am getting up the nerve for the Sake flavored piece.  Tasty.  The Wasabi flavored piece??  Let's just say I prefer my wasabi with my sushi, when I'm expecting to have my mouth go on fire.
Any chocolate is a good chocolate.
I also saw bacon, fried onion and pepper flavored chocolates. They were created by a Michelin-starred chocolatiere called The Chocolate Line
To wash down all this chocolate?
My favorite beer?  Cold.
Beer.  Stella Artois may be one of their most well known Belgian beers in the States, but Belgium has more than 400 breweries. We visited a bar well-known for their huge selection of beers. When Pam asked if they had a blonde - or light colored beer our waitress responded, "Yes! 110 kinds!"
Travel is all about the adventure - getting out of your routine, seeing things you would never see at home. And I gotta tell you, this is something I never thought I'd see. Anywhere. I can't even explain it, really. Here. Take a look.
A woman's urinal. Yep. That's what it is.
And with that? We're off to Barcelona.

More tomorrow!